Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This year we signed James up for soccer- though we have not ever been focused on one sport or another, since James was able to walk he always showed such athleticism- he can catch any size ball, he can dribble a ball both with his hands and as they do in soccer with his feet. He always would try to do crazy stuf too, like catch a ball while jumping, or trying to kep his balance on a box and catch the ball. Anyway, we have been excited to get him into sports to see what he could do- so we even got him earlier than we should- since he was supposed to be 4 before SEPT 1st to play- Brian talked to the guy, James tried out and he was in!

Well, if he is going to be an athlete, and if this year counts for anything- I dont think it is going to be in soccer! He does so well playing soccer by himself, but he just does not get that the other kids are not going to kick the ball TO him- he needs to go after it! Not only did not go after it, but he spent most of the time being in teh way of his own teammates, or just walking around with the coach on the field. Oh, it drove me nuts!

So every Thursday we go to practice at 5:30- I have to load everyone up and try to keep the girls occupied and entertained for that hour, which is not always easy. On Saturdays, we all get up at quickly eat breakfast to get the field, it takes longer to get 3 kids 3 and under out the door with all the supplies than it does for James to play- if you even call it playing! he did do better at practice then at games, however, they broke out into smaller groups or did drills and he is good at that part- it just game days- oh he gets out there, and we are all on the sidelines, he would just walk of the field and say- "I want to watch the game with you", or " I am hungry", I am too tired to play today", or "it is too cold"---- it drove me even crazier because I had to hall all three kids to and from each practice and games, with all this stuff and he was not even playing, not even trying to play soccer!

There are both older kids and a couple his age or younger on the team, and though not every one of them was fabulous, but they did at least try during the games to score- even if it was in the wrong goal! I would have been so thrilled for him to get a goal - even if it was for the other team! So each week, I would just cheer for the other players on his team, and hope that next week he would step it up and play- NOPE!

Oh it gets better- at the last game they all got a little trophy.. every one gets one. On the way home, James says, "this trophy guy looks just like me" and it took I had not to say to my 4 year old- "Not really, he is actually kicking the ball!" I just said to my husband and then took him home to pack up the soccer stuff for a LONG time!

I am so glad soccer is over!

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