Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Night Night!

Our first night home, we took Charlotte upstairs with us when taking James to bed and we stopped in Charlottes room and showed him that this was where she would be sleeping. We hvae shown him this room every night for a month now, but this time was way more exciting because Charlotte was home!

As soon as we put Charlotte in the crib, James wanted to get up there too. He crawled all around her and checked it all out. He showed her some of her toys and then he layed down next to her. I did not get the picture of him putting his head down next to her because I was crying - it was soooo sweet!

The facination with Charlotte continues!

James likes to check out every thing Charlotte is doing and likes to look in on her often! We had the bassinet in the living room for a while and James was enjoying standing on the couch to look in on her. I think she was checking him out too! Then he thought it would be a good idea for him to get in the bassinet too!

James kisses his sister for the first time

After changing Charlotte, James wanted to get really close with Charlotte and mommy, so he climbed on my lap while I held her. Brian told him to give her a kiss and he went in without hesitation. He is doing so much better than we ever could have expected with his new sister and he does not mind her being here at all!

One of these pics, I was burping her and he stopped me, I guess he thought I was hitting her- then he started to "burp" her. He is so helpful - he hands me wipes and gets really close to her and then backs away. SO CUTE!

Charlotte comes home

On Sunday we were able to bring Charlotte home, just 2 days after she was born. We were anxious to bring her home to her Big Brother James and see how he would be with this baby at HIS house! He saw her at the hospital and I dont think he realized she was coming to live with us!

It went great. He was just as curious and just likes to look at her and smile like a proud big brother! It is so great to see him with her. He is so curious and just wants to get a closer look!

James meets his sister!

The big question has been how James would react to his new little sister. We have been talking about her to him for months but being only 17 months, we were not sure how much he understood and how he would react to sharing her. In the hospital the first day, Charlotte was not the most exciting thing to James, the balloons that Jenn brought and all the buttons on my hospital bed as well as the other exciting things in the room were his focus. It was like he did not even know she was there- but the second day he was a bit more receptive and started taking an interest in her. He did not want to touch her, he likes to look at her though- constantly saying “up” to lift him up to look into the bassinet and then he would smile at her!

Charlottes Guests

We had many visitors at the hospital, Grammie, Jenn, and Erin were the first to come meet Charlotte, they had such a great time, they came back the next day!

Charlottes Arrival

Charlotte Cindy Pierce arrived on April 3rd weighing right at 8 pounds and was 20 inches long at 10:52 AM. Brian and I both thought the process and surgery went much smoother than the last time and felt overwhelming in love with this girl the first second we saw her.

She is beautiful , looks alot like James did when he was born- same hair and shape and skin color, but lighter!!! We could not wait to show her off to everyone. All my fears of having a girl and not knowing what to do went away the second I saw her because I knew that it did not matter, I would figure it out later. Welcome to our family Charlotte!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

James playing cards

Earlier in the month, James got to learn how to play cards with his great grandmother, his great uncle and of course his favorite cousin.

One more day!

This is James and I one day before Baby Charlotte is to arrive! I am huge and so ready to meet this new addition to our family!

James playing with Grammie

Jame and his grammie were playing and having lots of fun this past week. Grammie is visiting awaiting the arrival of baby Charlotte!