Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ready, Set, Prep!

In less than 3 weeks I am undergoing a major surgery to improve my quality of life. I am so tired of the pain, constant discomfort and embarrassment that comes along with having large breasts and can't wait to change that! I am looking forward to holding my family closer. Now is the time for preparation. The advantage of knowing ahead of time of when the surgery is and how long the recovery time is that I can prepare my house and my family for this transition.

This week I have been cleaning and trying to organize the house too. If someone asks me where something is, I wanted to be able to tell them. I also cleaned out my fridge so that it is ready to stock up with the foods that my husband and I are going to prepare ahead of time and groceries I will need to have on hand for my never completely full babies. I need to work on the kids rooms and make their clothes easy to find and tell my husband and my kids the system so they can also find what ever they are looking for.

Though it sometimes seems like a short time, I will be out of commission for 2-4 weeks. With the 1st week being completely out of commission for myself, but more importantly, my family. I am very nervous about how all the pieces need to come together for this so that I can heal properly and yet also not have my family, or my children without meals, transportation and general care. It will be hard not to hold them, pick them up and care for them as I have. Sophia will have the hardest time with it, but we are working on preparing her more and more each week as it gets closer. In the grand scheme of things, I have been waiting a really long time to have this done and now we all just have to suffer through 2-4 short weeks and it will all be better. That is what I keep telling myself anyway!

Luckily, I have an awesome church and friends that are willing to help me get back on my feet and fully functional. I am so thankful for them and would not be able to do this without them!  I am also planning on using that same group from church and friends to pray for my surgery, my recover and ease my fears of anything tragic happening that end my life instead of improving it. Unfortunately it is a risk and one I worry about alot. But I am trying to improve my life, my health and keep up with my kids and since the risk is small, I am praying for a successful outcome!

With this surgery is a lot of other changes I am making. I am aware that my breasts are not the only trouble spot on my body and I have already started many changes to transform the rest of me too, but most of that work will start after surgery and recovery. I have been working out for a couple years, I started making major changes in my diet since this summer and plan on stepping all of these things up a few notches after I am recovered. Well, the eating the right things can start right away, but the working out will be a gradual process to get to the level that changes start taking place in my stomach, arms and legs. I am going to take a picture of myself tomorrow and will have some progress by June, but hoping for even more progress one year from today.

2013 is my year for improving me and my family at the same time. Brian is on board with me for our new healthy eating and we are researching new ways to make it easier. Hopefully I can get  my kids to eat healthier and luckily they already love to exercise! If you have any ideas, we are considering all options at this point! Four days prior to my surgery

I still have a lot more preparation to do with meals, chaildcare and planinng, but now that Christmas is over, preparation is my number one priority! 

Happy New Year to all of you!

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