Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HEAVY baby on board!

It always cracks me up when people offer to help me carry the baby and they take one little lift of her car carrier and say, "how about I carry the diaper bag or hold one of the other kids hands!!" Sophia is one heavy baby!! She is 7 months old and about 22 pounds. I have not weighed her actually in the last month and she was just shy of 22 pounds then. She is wearing 18 month old clothes and looking more like a toddler every day. It sometimes seems as Sophia chuckles a little when someone does that too- like "ha, you thought you could carry me!"

Dont get me wrong, I appreciate the help. Every where I go, people look at me with pity or say "you have your hands full" and dont even bother holding open a door for me or something, but when I do get the help I appreciate it, we all get a good laugh though when they ask to carry her and then change their minds! I was surprised when my Uncle Glen carried her about half way into a restaurant and then said he could not carry her anymore! I kow 22 pounds does not seem like that much, but then you add in the 4 pounds of the carrier and then the bulkiness of the carrier and it is a lot! I am so looking forward to this baby walking! She has not started crawling yet and I am fine with her skipping that step! We need to go straight to walking!

Looking forward to watching her grow like the other 2, sometimes it seems we are running in place and other times like we are moving in superspeed. My older 2 are so good with the baby and they are always watching out for her and helping in any way they can. If they could only teach her to walk!!

My life with 3 getting thru day by day!

Some days I am amazed at how much easier things are with these 3 kids then they were 6 or even 3 months ago and then I have days like today where I have so much trouble with one kid I dont even know what the other 2 are doing.

James up today at 4 am, pooping on the floor because he says he "missed" the potty! then jumping on the bed, spraying shaving cream on the wall, opening a gift I received from someone and then pooring sugar on the counter- a lot of sugar! All of this was before 7, finally I sent he and his sister out on the porch so I could have a moment to feed the baby and she and Charlotte took off their pants and were throwing them up into the fan blades and watching the fan throw thier clothes across the room! I have no idea how they came up with that game!

We have had a busy month so maybe they are just all crazed from our Uncle Glen visiting, or our visit to Chattanooga. But this week we only have gymnastics today and then no other weekly activities until school starts- I am starting to wonder now if that was the right decsion! Is there still time to sign them up for something, is there anyone who wants to watch these kids for free for a few days a week? I guess this summer will be very interesting.

At least we have the Y- I have been trying to workout regularly since I joined a couple months ago, but between the kids activities, school and their naps, I just have not been consistent. Sometimes I dont go just because loading up 3 kids is a lot of work- the 2 big kids can climb into their seats and can do the top part of the buckle, but I still have to climb in the back to do the bottom buckle and then I have lift my VERY heavy baby into her car seat. You have to have drinks and snacks for everyone a bottle for the baby, diapers, change of clothes, blah blah blah. It is not as easy as it seems, espeically if youhave already done it once or twice a day. Once I get to the Y, I am happy so I just have to keep the mentality that it is all worth it! They will be able to provide me 2 hours of sanity a day and I plan on taking advantage.

This summer is proving to be a hot one so far, so I have our little play pool out back and plan on keeping the kids in that much of the summer. Taking 3 kids to the pool is not really that much fun so we may not visitreal pools very often this summer. I am hoping to get a little mothers helper for the summer and that should help me keep my sanity!