Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Some days I got it, some days I dont

This was from a while I ago, I just noticed that I forgot to publish it.

I am going to toot my own horn, well, because today I deserve it!

Today, (day 2 of my husband being away) when the kids got up, I brought them all into my bed to watch toy story 2- that is of course so I can lay down for longer than they want to lay down, but dont tell them that. They like to snuggle with mommy and they both fight over who is closest to me, which is sweet, however it does not really get me much relaxation because I am getting elbowed in the face and knee'd in the side alot! If I am holding Sophia at the same time then it really gets crowded. We have a king sized bed, but as close as they all are, we could all fit perfectly fine into a twin! I love it, minus the elbows and knees! Actually, I really do love to just lay and snuggle with my kids, it is one of my favorite things especially if they are laying still and being quiet.

So after our movie, which was only about half the movie because James cannot sit still long enough for a whole movie, I fixed them breakfast and then got us all dressed for another fun day in the snow. I played with the kids out in the yard for a while, we tried to sled but they did not like that, we tried to throw snowballs, but it was too icy so we just walked around in the yard I had each of their hands (the baby was inside sleeping at this time) and we just made footprints in the yard- so mcuh fun for both kids! Then I decided to start trying to shovel the driveway in hopes that my husband would come home. If he did, I did not want him to pull in and then slide down the driveway into our house.

Whew, was that a lot of work. I have not shoveled a driveway in quite some time and I really never used to shovel, my brothers did. I just ran around and told them they missed a section here and there. It was a lot of work- even more work with a spade shovel- finally my nieghbor gave me a square shovel and that made a world of difference. I wish I would have started with that, it would have saved me a lot of time.

Then my neighbor invited us all over to sled in his yard, he has a better yard. By then the baby was up, so I sent the big kids with him and went back in to bundle the baby in the warmest outfit I have for her, which used to be James'. It is like an outfit made of thick blanket material, super warm. It barely fits her but it is the warmest thing I have for her. We only last a little bit because James was getting antsy to get inside and did not like to sled anymore and I was getting tired of holding the baby, my arms hurt from shoveling. Charlotte loved it!

We came in, I fixed the kids lunch, gave them a bath and put them down for a nap. Normally I sit in the chair with the baby and feed her and play with her because she is usually up when I put them down, but today she fell back asleep too so I started working on the house. I threw in a load of laundry, did the dishes, mopped the whole downstairs (kitchen, dining room, living room, master bath and hallway), and put away some toys.

About that time, Brian called and said he was coming home- after he got home, I started dinner and some brownies and then invited over some neighbors for some social time. Two friends and their kids came over- gotta invite people over when the house is clean, because these days- it is rare! After they left, Brian and I played some wii after getting our kids down. Now off to help put away laundry, get the baby down and go to BED!

It has been a busy day- but some days I do nothing but the bare minimum so dont think this is how I am all the time, just on some days!

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